The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) model has been developed over the past 20 years to promote international collaboration in the form of online learning. COIL aims to offer results similar to or even better than physical mobility in terms of improving international and intercultural competences. Typically, the COIL model is applied to a course or part of a course within a larger educational program (a COIL module).
What is COIL?
In order to meet COIL criteria, a learning activity must have the following mandatory components:
Thus, only if the educational activity meets all the above-mentioned characteristics, it can be recognized as a real “virtual exchange”. The above four conditions are inextricably linked and binding.
If these criteria are met, COIL modules can be presented in different forms and differ in volume and content. The COIL modules can also be used as an adjunct to short-term physical mobility for the faculty and/or students involved, which together will constitute blended mobility. For example, in addition to longer online collaborations, there could be an “international project week” where students and teachers meet physically. In any case, it is very useful for the staff involved in the COIL module to meet physically during the planning phase in order to build the trusting relationship necessary for co-teaching.
COIL “Unite: Tackling Challenges through Interdisciplinary Solutions”