EU Erasmus+ programme direction: Jean Monnet Module
Project number: 101127665
Project name: Threats Actualization to European Security: Russian-Ukrainian War Impact
Short name of the project: TSNUK
Project coordinator: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Project manager: Hryhorii Sytnyk, Doctor of State Administration, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Global and National Security
Structural unit on the basis of which the project is implemented: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Department of Global and National Security
Project implementation period: 2023-2026
The purpose and tasks of the project:
The purpose of the project is to spread knowledge on the application of European security principles and approaches in the common security and defence policy and awareness of the adaptation of European experience to national conditions with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the activities of state authorities as a whole, speeding up the process of adaptation of security institutions to the standards, norms and rules of the European Union.
The project will be aimed at familiarising participants with the principles and values of the EU, their integration into national systems, and assistance in adapting this knowledge to professional practice.
Tasks of the project:
– carrying out a comprehensive analysis of modern approaches to monitoring threats to European and national security of leading countries, including consideration of approaches to monitoring threats to national security in the political, economic, social and humanitarian fields of society’s activity.
– development of a research methodology for the system of state management of ensuring national security;
– development of a methodology for assessing the factors of specification (indication) of national interests and carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the organisational and legal foundations of the development and implementation of the state’s national security policy in determined fields of domestic and European relations
– explanation of the Methodology for developing a passport of threats to the national security of Ukraine and recommendations for the use of the passport of threats when making state-administrative decisions at the national and regional levels.
Expected results:
The development of a passport of threats to national security, which will be an official normative document that will provide for the identification (assessment) of events, phenomena, processes and other factors that create a danger for the realisation of vital national interests of European countries, characteristics of their possible development (scales, development trends, possible consequences for national security), as well as the determination of the main organisational, legal and other mechanisms of activities of subjects of national security (monitoring, prevention, preventive actions, localisation, etc.) in response to potential threats.
Steps required:
1) implementing measures to improve the competence of civil servants and local self-government officials in the field of security;
2) promoting the norms of the passport of threats into public management practice;
3) spreading knowledge about an effective system of constant monitoring of threats to national security, determination of their priority for authorities (for the justification and adoption of state-administrative decisions) and developing an appropriate control system for their implementation among the public of European states, in particular Ukraine.