What is Academic Mobility?

International academic mobility is the opportunity for educational process participants to study, teach, do traineeships or conduct research in a foreign higher education institution. Students (including foreign students), teachers, scientists and administrative staff of the university can participate in academic mobility programs.

The right to international academic mobility is exercised on the basis of international agreements on cooperation in the field of education and science, international programmes and projects, agreements on cooperation between Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and foreign universities.

The main types of international academic mobility open for participation for students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv are as follows:

  1. a) degree mobility — studying in a foreign higher education institution to obtain a higher education degree from two or more higher education institutions (please, follow the link for more details);
  2. b) credit mobility — studying at a foreign partner university to obtain European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits and/or relevant competencies, learning outcomes (without acquiring ECTS credits), which will be recognised at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Forms of academic mobility of students and PhD students:

  1. a) mobility for study;
  2. b) language traineeship;
  3. c) scientific traineeship.

International credit mobility can be implemented within the framework of bilateral exchange programmes or specialised academic mobility programmes (Erasmus+).

 Forms of academic mobility for teachers and staff members:

  1. a) participation in joint projects;
  2. b) teaching;
  3. c) scientific research;
  4. d) scientific traineeship;
  5. e) staff training.

International academic mobility of teachers and staff members is implemented within the framework of: