The EU Erasmus+ programme direction: Jean Monnet Networks

Project number: 611293-EPP-1-2019-CZ-EPPJMO-NETWORK

Project name: European Union and the Challenges of Modern Society (legal issues of digitalization, robotization, cyber security and prevention of hybrid threats)

Project coordinator: Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Project coordinator from KNU: Kseniia Smyrnova, Professor, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Education (International Cooperation)

Structural unit, on the basis of which the project is implemented: Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations

Project website

Project implementation period: 2019-2023


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)

Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Project description:

Digitization, robotization and cyber security should not be a chaotic process, but on the contrary, should be regulated by reasonable and appropriate legal norms, which, on the one hand, will reflect the specifics of the mentioned phenomena, and on the other hand, will ensure their compliance with the principles of the rule of law. The introduction and implementation of new legal norms, adapted exclusively for these purposes, is extremely important right now. The project is aimed at analysing and solving these challenges associated with the global use of modern technologies.