
Оnline workshop on “Peer2peer solutions for your teaching practice challenges”

Dear Colleagues,

The Academic Staff Development of the University of Konstanz has an offer for ERUA and EUniWell teachers who would like to get peer feedback on their teaching challenges, and invites you to participate in online workshop on “Peer2peer solutions for your teaching practice challenges” on 23/11/23, online, 10.30-12.30 (Kyiv time).

This is an opportunity to reflect critically on your own teaching as well as to provide newperspectives to fellow teachers in higher education.

This practice counselling offers a moderated platform for collegial exchange. Here, you candiscuss concrete questions and concerns from your own teaching. Together with fellow teachers in higher education you will look for possible solutions and work out concrete steps for implementation in practice.

Take this opportunity to share with peers and benefit from the different perspectives ofinternational educational institutions!

Participants receive a certificate of participation.

If you are interested, please contact Sylvia Gschwend from the Academic Staff Development at the University of Konstanz for more information or register via mail (sylvia.gschwend@uni-konstanz.de).

 The deadline: 20 November 2023